about us

The mission of our company is to provide quality, functional and reliable materials that are proven worldwide for the medical sector, to continuously increase product quality and diversity and to work with 0 customer satisfaction. Our company never compromises its quality management principles from the design of every product to after-sales, and continues to produce uninterruptedly with our experts, each of which is based on the principle that ürün every product is a life ”. Our company, with the excitement of a company that has just begun, with a deep-rooted business history and experience of its executives, is walking confidently to a successful future with our employees and customers. In-house continuous training continues as part of our continuous improvement policy with occasional external training programs. Our company constructs all stages of medical device production from a to z. The company mainly focuses on the idea and design of medical devices or medical devices ready for production in technical file; production processes, determination of the machinery and equipment where production will take place, determination of the type of materials to be used, establishment of production areas (cleanroom suitable for production in each class is determined, designed and production of cleanroom is carried out by the company itself or by subcontractors of the company), all necessary tests (biocompatibility) tests, mechanical tests, tests required by the relevant standards, functional tests, microbiology tests, etc.). In addition to these services, it also plays a role in the determination of the companies to be worked with and the cooperation of the companies to be carried out with the experience of being in the medical device sector during the certification stages in the production question.
Our company, which has a wide range of products in the fields of gastroenterology, urology, gynecology, angiology and pulmonaryology, also carries out various activities in order to internalize the culture of innovation, adopt and develop it as a company policy.
Our production facility has microbiology, function and chemistry (plastic) laboratories and controls regarding the validation of clean rooms are performed simultaneously with the competent authorities as well as with our authorities.


To ensure that the Medical Products we produce are produced under high quality and hygienic conditions and to reach the customers and users at the best price and conditions. New Value Added Argei with Turkey to include the health care sector and health sector abroad also serve the true representative of Turkey.


To provide effective, permanent, people-oriented services with the medical products it produces.






Dr. Tuğrul Karaaslan graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1991. He completed his PhD at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and a Radiology residency at the same University. He worked as a research assistant at the Walter Reed Medical School in Washington DC, the capital of the United States of America, and the Cardiovascular Surgery Departments of the Geneva Medical School. Dr. After his return to Turkey in 1997, Tuğrul Karaaslan designs and manufactures sterile and nonsterile, interventional (surgical) and diagnostic (diagnostic) medical equipment for the market with its employees in Yalova-Taşköprü production facilities in partnership with the French company PRINCE SA.